About Piedmont Trails

Piedmont Trails preserves the past one step at a time. We share our journey with you. The future generations need to know and understand our past and present.

Learn More About Piedmont Trails

We offer articles, podcast shows, video presentations, and live stream chat meetings. We present research techniques using proven methods from the past forty years. We offer ground research data and lesser-known material. Our files consist of family lineage, colonial roads, colonial settlements, and more. Our library consists of over 1,000 books and various other materials.

Great Wagon Road Project

Piedmont Trails hopes to have this historic route recognized as a national historic trail. The project began in 2019 and contains tens of thousands of documents portraying the great migration during the mid-18th-century.

Colonial Indentured Servants Project

Piedmont Trails hopes to acknowledge the names and lives of those who were held in bondage during the 17th and 18th-century. The project began in 2020 and has captured thousands of pages holding court records, and ship lists holding the names of so many indentured servants. These lives deserve to be remembered for the future generations. Their stories capture our hearts as we discover so many who sailed under false pretenses to a new land.

Yadkin Valley Railroad Project


Piedmont Trails shares North Carolina’s oldest existing railroad. The project began in 2020 and completed in 2023. We are hoping to publish our discoveries in an upcoming book. We are excited to share the families and the small towns along this historic rail line.

Mecklenburg Declaration 1775 Project

The project began in 2023 with the North Carolina Regulator Movement and the Battle of Alamance in 1771. The events that transpired into the Mecklenburg & Tryon Resolves in 1775 are researched. We hope to prove or disprove the Mecklenburg Declaration.

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